1d New Zealand Stamps, Miniature Sheets, Sheetlets and Booklets
Cat. Mint Used
1855 Full Face Queen Victoria - Chalon - Not Perforated 
1d Red 1a $630.00
1d Orange 1b $585.00
1862 Full Face Queen Victoria - Chalon - Perforated 
1d Red 2a $405.00
1d Orange red variety 2b $270.00
1d Brown (1871 on) 2c $337.50
1874 Queen Victoria First Sidefaces 
1d Lilac 4a $405.00
1882 Queen Victoria Second Sideface 
1d Red 5b $40.50
1891 New Zealand Government Life Insurance Lighthouses With V.R. 
1d Blue 8b $247.50
1898 Pictorials 
1d Lake Taupo / Mount Ruapehu 9b $21.60
1899 Postage Due 
1d Red / Green (Simplified) 11b $72.00
1900 Pictorials 
1d The White Terraces 12b $81.00
1901 Penny Universal 
1d Zealandia 14a $22.50
1901 Penny Universal Official 
1d Zealandia 15a $45.00
1902 Postage Due 
1d Red / Green 16b $18.00
1905 New Zealand Government Life Insurance Lighthouses Without V.R. 
1d Red 18b $10.80
1906 Christchurch Exhibition 
1d Maori Canoe Carving 19b $90.00
1907 Redrawn Pictorials 
1d Zealandia 20a $180.00
1907 Redrawn Pictorials Official 
1d Zealandia 21a $315.00
1908 Edward VII Land 
1d Universal 22a $1,440.00 $810.00
1909 King Edward VII 
1d Dominion 23b $9.00
1909 King Edward VII Official 
1d Dominion (Simplified) 24b $8.10
1910 Victoria Land 
1d Dominion 25b $180.00
1913 Auckland Exhibition 
1d Red Dominion Overprinted 26b $90.00
1920 Victory 
1d Red British Lion and Peace 34b $6.30
1923 Map Stamp 
1d Red / Map (Simplified) 35a $10.80
1925 Dunedin Exhibition 
1d Red 36b $12.60
1926 King George V Admirals 
1d Red Field Marshall (Simplified) 37a $9.00
1926 King George V Admirals Official 
1d Red Field Marshall (Simplified) 38a $11.70
1929 Health 
1d Nurse - 'Help Stamp Out Tuberculosis' 39a $58.50
1930 Health 
1d Nurse - 'Help Promote Health' 40a $103.50
1931 Health 
1d Red Boy 41a $495.00
1932 Health 
1d Hygeia / Hygieia 45a $108.00
1933 Health 
1d Pathway to Health 47a $54.00
1934 Health 
1d Health Crusader 49a $41.40
1935 Pictorials 
1d Kiwi (Simplified) 50b $2.25
1935 Airmail 
1d Red 51a $2.70
1935 Silver Jubilee 
1d Red 52b $1.10
1935 Health 
1d Keyhole - 'Key to Health' 53a $7.20
1935 Pictorials Official 
1d Kiwi (Simplified) 54b $11.70
1936 ANZAC 
1d Red 55b $0.90
1936 Health 
1d Lifebuoy - 'Safeguard Health' 56a $6.30
1936 Chamber of Commerce 
1d Butter / Red 57b $0.55
1937 Coronation 
1d Red 58a $0.55
1937 Health 
1d Climber 59a $6.30
1938 Health 
1d Children Playing Outdoors 60a $4.95
1938 King George VI 
1d Red 61c $7.20
1d Green (from 1941 on) 61d $0.90
1938 King George VI Official 
1d Red 62c $28.80
1d Green 62d $3.15
1939 Health 
1d Overprinted On ½d Beachball - Green 63a $5.85
1939 Postage Due 
1d Red 64b $9.00
1940 Health 
1d Beachball - Dark Green 67a $9.00
1940 Centennial 
1d Captain Cook Map 68b $1.80
1940 Centennial Official 
1d Captain Cook Map 69b $6.30
1941 King George VI Provisionals 
1d Overprint On ½d Green 70a $1.35
1941 Health 
1d 1941 Overprint on Beachball - Dark Green 71a $4.50
1942 Health 
1d Two Children on Swing - Green 72a $1.45
1943 Health 
1d Princess Margaret / Green 73a $0.55
1944 Health 
1d Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret - Green 74a $0.70
1945 Health 
1d Peter Pan Statue Kensington Gardens - Green / Brown 76a $0.55
1946 Health 
1d Soldier Assisting Child - Green 77a $0.55
1946 Peace 
1d Parliament House Wellington / Green 78b $0.55
1947 Health 
1d Green Statue of Eros - Piccadilly Circus 79a $0.55
1947 New Zealand Government Life Insurance Lighthouses 
1d Taiaroa Lighthouse 80b $1.35
1948 Health 
1d Roxburgh Health Camp - Blue / Green 81a $0.55
1948 Otago Centennial 
1d Ships at Port Chalmers 82a $0.55
1949 Health 
1d Nurse, Child and Apple Blossom - Green 83a $0.55
1950 Health 
1d Royalty - Princess Elizabeth and Prince Charles - Green 84a $0.55
1950 Canterbury Centennial 
1d Christchurch Cathedral 86a $0.55
1952 King George VI Provisionals 
1d On ½d Brown (from 1953) 89a $0.55
1953 Queen Elizabeth II 
1d Orange 93b $0.55
1954 Queen Elizabeth II Official 
1d Orange (Simplified) 94a $1.80
1955 Queen Elizabeth II - Larger Figures 
1d Orange (Simplified) 98a $0.90
1960 Pictorials 
1d Karaka (Simplified) 115b $0.55
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